Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Total Commander Find Files and Subversion

When you're trying to search some file in a folder under subversion control, you receive a slight performance degradation, especially when you trying to find some text inside files. Total Commander tries to search inside ".svn" files and folders.
There is a good trick for such cases - Total Commander supports some tiny syntax to be used in "Search for:" field. So to exclude some files or folders from the search, you can put them into "Search field:" after a '|' sign. Note that wildcards can be used in include/exclude directory names, and the names must have a trailing backslash '\'.

For example:
  • w*.*|*.bak *.old finds files, which start with w and do not end with .bak or .old.
  • SomeFile.cs | .svn\ finds 'SomeFile.cs' not looking into subversion folders.